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Psilocybin and Chronic Pain: A Breakthrough Therapy.

In the realm of cutting-edge research, the synergies between psychedelics and mental health are garnering increasing attention. Ongoing clinical trials have showcased the potential of compounds like psilocybin in offering rapid and enduring relief from conditions such as depression and anxiety. 

Ahmad Hammo, a rising third-year bioengineering student from the School of Engineering and Applied Science, is spearheading a pilot study exploring the potential of psilocybin as a therapy for chronic pain and its often-linked companion, depression. Hailing from Amman, Jordan, Hammo's venture into psychedelics is supported by the Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring (PURM) program, which facilitates undergraduate students in conducting research alongside esteemed faculty at the University of Pennsylvania.

Addressing Chronic Pain:

The focus of Hammo's project is on neuropathic pain, a type associated with nerve damage and often linked to depression. With the prevailing belief that chronic neuropathic pain is stored in the brain, Hammo, guided by neuroanesthesiologist Joseph Cichon, aims to delve into the potential of psilocybin in alleviating both chronic pain and its emotional counterparts.

Neuropathic pain, a result of nerve damage, can evolve into a centralized pain syndrome where the brain perpetuates the pain independently of the initial injury. Cichon's lab, which has previously explored the impact of compounds like ketamine on the brain, is venturing into uncharted territory with psilocybin, recognizing its potential to shake up established neural patterns.

Psilocybin's Potential for Pain Relief:

Hammo expresses enthusiasm about the project, seeing it as an opportunity to merge his bioengineering expertise with a profound interest in healthcare and medicine. Psilocybin, in this context, is perceived as a potential catalyst, a tool that might disrupt persistent neural loops, potentially offering a route back to a normalized state.

Promising Preliminary Results:

Testing psilocybin's impact on mouse behavior and mood in an animal model, Hammo and Cichon are cautiously optimistic about the preliminary results. Brain-imaging techniques are employed to visualize psilocybin's effects on individual cells and neural pathways. The early signs are encouraging, hinting at the compound's potential in addressing both chronic pain and depression.

A Journey Beyond Research:

Beyond the research, Hammo has embraced the opportunity to delve into the realm of neuroscience through conversations with Cichon and direct exposure to neurosurgery cases. The internship has proven to be an enriching experience, providing a holistic understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of healthcare and research.In the realm of cutting-edge research, the synergies between psychedelics and mental health are garnering increasing attention. Ongoing clinical trials have showcased the potential of compounds like psilocybin in offering rapid and enduring relief from conditions such as depression and anxiety. 

Ahmad Hammo, a rising third-year bioengineering student from the School of Engineering and Applied Science, is spearheading a pilot study exploring the potential of psilocybin as a therapy for chronic pain and its often-linked companion, depression. Hailing from Amman, Jordan, Hammo's venture into psychedelics is supported by the Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring (PURM) program, which facilitates undergraduate students in conducting research alongside esteemed faculty at the University of Pennsylvania.

Addressing Chronic Pain:

The focus of Hammo's project is on neuropathic pain, a type associated with nerve damage and often linked to depression. With the prevailing belief that chronic neuropathic pain is stored in the brain, Hammo, guided by neuroanesthesiologist Joseph Cichon, aims to delve into the potential of psilocybin in alleviating both chronic pain and its emotional counterparts.

Neuropathic pain, a result of nerve damage, can evolve into a centralized pain syndrome where the brain perpetuates the pain independently of the initial injury. Cichon's lab, which has previously explored the impact of compounds like ketamine on the brain, is venturing into uncharted territory with psilocybin, recognizing its potential to shake up established neural patterns.

Psilocybin's Potential:

Hammo expresses enthusiasm about the project, seeing it as an opportunity to merge his bioengineering expertise with a profound interest in healthcare and medicine. Psilocybin, in this context, is perceived as a potential catalyst, a tool that might disrupt persistent neural loops, potentially offering a route back to a normalized state.

Promising Preliminary Results:

Testing psilocybin's impact on mouse behavior and mood in an animal model, Hammo and Cichon are cautiously optimistic about the preliminary results. Brain-imaging techniques are employed to visualize psilocybin's effects on individual cells and neural pathways. The early signs are encouraging, hinting at the compound's potential in addressing both chronic pain and depression.

A Journey Beyond Research:

Beyond the research, Hammo has embraced the opportunity to delve into the realm of neuroscience through conversations with Cichon and direct exposure to neurosurgery cases. The internship has proven to be an enriching experience, providing a holistic understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of healthcare and research.

Oregon Coast: Tripz Unveils a New Frontier:

In synchrony with this groundbreaking exploration, Tripz Oregon proudly announces its opening on the picturesque Oregon coast. The scenic backdrop offers a fitting setting for transformative experiences, aligning with the ethos of the research—a journey into uncharted territories of neuroplasticity and healing.


This research symbolizes a convergence of scientific exploration and therapeutic possibilities. The Oregon coast, with its natural allure, becomes the canvas for a pioneering venture, where psilocybin may rewrite the narrative of chronic pain and depression. The journey continues, promising not only scientific revelations but also the potential for transformative healing experiences along the mesmerizing Oregon coast.Oregon Coast: Tripz Unveils a New Frontier:

In synchrony with this groundbreaking exploration, Tripz Oregon proudly announces its opening on the picturesque Oregon coast. The scenic backdrop offers a fitting setting for transformative experiences, aligning with the ethos of the research—a journey into uncharted territories of neuroplasticity and healing.

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